Donate: Food

Meals that the kitchen has served in 2022.

Sunrise ​

A shelter to help families and their kids 42,407.​
Bag lunches for sunrise Kids going to school 2,433.​

​Hot meals are served in the dining room at 165,250.​ Eds Meals (emergency disaster service) 2,300 meals including coffee, bottled water, sandwiches, soup, and snacks, helping homeless encampments and people on the street. ​

1,500 bag lunches at the front desk for clients with doctors’ appointments or part-time work ​

Yearly community diner​
1,000 Holiday dinners, Christmas time Turkey dinners served in-house and in the community. ​Total meals in 2022, 171,750 ​

Kitchen statements ​
We strive to serve the most nutritious meals possible to enhance the quality of life and health of the participants. ​

The Salvation Army’s founder once said “You can’t talk to a man about his soul while his stomach is making so much noise, he can’t hear you “​

Donations between 9 am -3 pm daily (To insure that it goes in the fridge or freezer upon arrival) 

Item to donate. ​

  • Pasta’s ​
  • Rice​
  • Sugar ​
  • Coffee​
  • Potato’s​
  • Tomato sauces Crushed tomato. ​
  • Bottled water, granola bars.